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The task we did was got in a group of 3 or 4 and we got 25 photos from an old famous photo essay and we had to get 8 photos that tell us a short story. We did not get to find out what it was called or what the story was about until after we made our story.

The real story was about a country doctor’s everyday life and what he deals with on his everyday job and also what he does on his spare time and days off.

The story me and my group come up with is this little boy got a bad  illness and around his teens he was fine as it wasn't as bad because the illness got a bit beter and then when he got older it come back and the older he got the worst it got and more close he come to death and then he died so in the end photo it’s the doctor telling the family that he died and the amty chair is where he would normaly be sitting but because he is died so the chair is amity.

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